‘Poor condition’ properties in Shelton available for £1

Stoke-on-Trent properties for £1 Stoke-on-Trent properties for £1

Stoke-on-Trent City Council has decided to sell two properties for £1 after years of neglect. The properties, which are on Havelock Place and Grove Place, Shelton, Stoke-on-Trent, are currently boarded up. 

The council originally purchased the properties in 2010, hoping to transform them as part of the Renew North Staffordshire housing renewal programme. 

However, a lack of government funding meant the properties were never redeveloped. 

After failing to sell the properties for over a decade, the council has reduced the asking price to just £1 in a bid to get rid of them. 

A council report regarding the properties states: The current tenant has identified a solution to address the issues with these properties, at their own cost, which involves demolishing the properties and rebuilding on the site.” 

It continues: “This option would mean that two boarded-up long-term empty properties, which are in a poor condition, are removed and new accommodation is provided.”

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