Petrol bomb car attack in Stoke-on-Trent

Stoke-on-Trent car fire Stoke-on-Trent car fire

Two cars were set alight in Stoke-on-Trent in the early hours of this morning (24 May) in what is thought to be a petrol bomb attack. 

Around 12.30am, a van arrived at Fegg Hayes Road in Stoke-on-Trent and two passengers exited the vehicle. 

They then allegedly threw petrol canisters over two separate vehicles parked in the driveway of the same address. The cars were then set alight. 

The attackers are said to have reentered the van and fled the scene immediately. 

Neighbours reported that they heard “two explosions” around 12.30am. 

The victim of the attack stated “I have had two cars blown up on my front drive in Fegg Hayes. This seems to be a gang attack as I am not the only one. I was keeping the cars in the drive for a friend due to the cars having no tax.”

The Staffordshire Fire and Rescue Services and Staffordshire Police arrived promptly and the blaze was extinguished. 

Neither the Fire Services nor Staffordshire Police have released a statement in relation to the alleged petrol bombings. 

However, witnesses are encouraged to contact Staffordshire Police on 101 if they have any information. 

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