Old Aelfgar School site in Rugeley to be transformed into 58 homes

Old Aelfgar School site Old Aelfgar School site

Housing developers Lovell has been given the green light by Cannock Chase Council to transform an area of land off Church Street, Rugeley, into a family home neighbourhood. 

The site was formerly home to Aelfgar School but has lain empty since the school closed in August 2011. The site has been owned by Staffordshire County Council for over a decade. 

Lovell plans on building 58 homes, which will include a mix of two, three, and four-bedroom houses. Half of the homes will be reserved as part of the council’s housing stock. 

“This is a brilliant use of a piece of land that brings much-needed social housing into the area,” stated Mike Sutherland, Rugeley councillor.

The council’s planning control committee had raised concerns about the plans due to the trees found on the site. To reduce wildlife impact, Lovell will maintain 19 trees. 

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