Nude man arrested in Hanley

Nude man arrested in Hanley Nude man arrested in Hanley

Staffordshire Police arrested a fully nude man in Hanley yesterday (22 May) following reports of a man committing indecent exposure. 

He was spotted walking around Lichfield Street, Potteries Way, and the Hanley Bus Station with no clothes on. He was said to be gesticulating wildly and pointing at security. 

Police arrived at the scene just before 11.45am and arrested the 35-year-old. Officers later questioned him. 

One eye-witness stated:  “I had family and kids with me. He was pointing fingers at the bus station staff and walking on the roundabout at roughly 11.45am.”

Police are appealing for eye-witnesses to come forward with more information about the event. 

Witnesses should contact the police on 101 and quote incident 235 of May 22. 

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