Newcastle-under-Lyme Borough Council has announced that work on the city’s historic market will begin ‘soon’.
This work forms part of the city’s £390,000 scheme to transform the town centre, which was approved in the Autumn of 2023.
Money from this project comes from the government’s Future High Street Fund.
Lower High Street will be made into a public space and the rent-free stalls will be remodelled. Once the work is finished, the same number of pitches will be available.
Short-stay parking bays will also be added to the market area.
“This significant investment will upgrade stalls, support traders and make the whole area more appealing.” stated deputy leader Stephen Sweeney.
The council are also considering installing a large screen next to the new public space in lower High Street. This would allow people to gather and watch big events.
An official date of when work will begin is yet to be announced.

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