CCTV images of suspects released following Newcastle-under-Lyme knifepoint robbery

Knife crime in Newcastle-under-Lyme Knife crime in Newcastle-under-Lyme

Staffordshire Police have released CCTV images of three individuals they suspect to be connected to a knifepoint robbery that took place in Newcastle-under-Lyme.

On 2 May, a report was made to the police at 8.50pm regarding a knifepoint robbery committed on a teenager. This incident was said to have occurred close to the Grosvenor roundabout on Barracks Road. 

The victim, who was not injured during the attack, had his trainers stolen. 

One of the suspects is white with short hair and was recorded wearing a black hoodie and grey tracksuit bottoms. The second suspect is black with dreadlocks and was dressed in all black. Lastly, the third suspect was described to be wearing dark-coloured clothing. 

All three suspects are believed to be between the ages of 16 and 18. It is believed that two of the three suspects had knives on them. 

Staffordshire Police have asked anyone who recognises the individuals in the CCTV images to contact them on 101 and to quote incident 703 of 2 May.

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