Victims of double Hednesford murder named

Hednesford murder investigation Hednesford murder investigation
Murder investigation in Hednesford

Staffordshire Police believe the two victims who were found murdered in a home on Alpine Drive in Hednesford to be Daniel Duffield (24) and Lauren Evans (22). Formal identification is yet to take place. 

Duffield, of Cannock, was a paramedic who worked for West Midlands Ambulance Service. He appeared in the 11th season of 999: On the Frontline on Channel 4. 

Due to recent police contact with Duffield, Staffordshire Police referred itself to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC). 

Richard Barratt, West Midlands Ambulance Service senior operations manager, stated: “Daniel Duffield was a well-known member of staff and always keen to help and support his colleagues. His death at such a young age is a great tragedy.”

He continued: “I hope Daniel’s family can take some comfort from the hundreds of patients he helped through his time as a paramedic. Our thoughts go out to the families of both of those found at the scene.”

Evans, Duffield’s girlfriend, was originally from Bridgend in South Wales. 

Specially trained officers are supporting both the victim’s families at this difficult time. 

Staffordshire Police have confirmed that the murder investigation is still ongoing. 

Detective Superintendent Nicki Addison stated: “I know this news has understandably shaken the local community. I’d like to reassure everyone that we’ve got a specialist team of officers working extensive hours to fully investigate what happened and support the families of those affected.” 

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