Tamworth Borough Council writes off £160,000 bad debt

council writes off debt council writes off debt

Tamworth Borough Council had to write off £160,000 worth of bad debt during the 2023-24 financial period. 

This was significantly less than the council wrote off during the 2022-23 financial year, which was £220,000.

One of the biggest drops in unrecoverable debt was in business rates, which fell from £92,000 to £26,000. 

The council also wrote off over £9,000 in council tax, over £22,500 in housing benefits overpayments, and nearly £72,200 in housing. 

“It does show this is going in the right direction in a lot of areas” stated council leader Carol Dean. 

In a report, the council stated: “Before writing off debt, the Council will satisfy itself that all reasonable steps have been taken to collect it and that no further recovery action is possible or practicable.”

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