Stoke child sex offender jailed for over four years

Adrian Vermaak Adrian Vermaak

A man from Hanley has been jailed for more than four years after pleading guilty to five counts of engaging in sexual activity with two girls.

Adrian Vermaak (38), of Hanley, received his sentence at Stoke-on-Trent Crown Court on Friday 28 June. 

In addition to his sentence, Vermaak has been added to the sex offenders’ register for an indefinite period and has been made the subject of a Sexual Harm Prevention Order. 

Vermaak’s victim told adults what had happened in August 2023. Vermaak was then reported to the police and an investigation was launched. 

The sex offender’s phone was later seized alongside other electronic devices. Vermaak was then arrested, questioned, and charged with numerous sexual offences. 

The court heard that Vermaak, who works as an HGV driver, picked victims up in his Audi A6 and sexually abused them inside the vehicle. 

One of his victims stated: “I feel used, betrayed, worthless and I am drained mentally and physically. I am angry. I did not deserve any of it.”

The child protection unit’s Police Constable Adam Cliffe stated “I would like to thank the victims and their families for their support throughout the investigation. They showed tremendous courage in coming forward and supporting the prosecution.”

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