Staffordshire Police search for £6,000 stolen horsebox

Stolen horsebox Stolen horsebox

Staffordshire Police have launched an appeal to help them locate a horsebox that has a value of £6k. 

The silver vehicle was taken from a lay-by on the A460 in Shareshill, South Staffordshire.

The horsebox was stolen between 10.00pm on Friday 31 May and 4.00pm on Friday 7 June. 

The vehicle is silver with grey and gold markings across it. 

Police are asking members of the public who have information regarding the theft to come forward. 

They’ve also asked for anyone with relevant dashcam or CCTV footage to come forward. 

To get in touch with the police, phone 101 and quote incident 64 of 12 June. There’s also a live chat feature on the Staffordshire Police’s website. 

Anonymous reports can be made through Crimestoppers by calling 0800 555 111.

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