Popular Barlaston restaurant announces new head chef

Lunar restaurant Lunar restaurant

Lunar Restaurant – which was awarded Best Independent Restaurant in Staffordshire 2023 – has announced the arrival of their new head chef, Carl Riley. 

Riley, a classically French-trained chef, will replace the kitchen’s former leader, Nial Keating. Keating is a Michelin chef who worked at Lunar since it opened in 2021. He now plans to open a restaurant in collaboration with Gary Neville in Manchester. 

Riley brings with him a new menu that focuses on sustainability and local ingredients which will maintain the high standard set by Keating. 

He stated: “My key aim is to cook high-welfare, sustainable ingredients in a simple way, using bold flavours and technical flair.” 

Lunar guests can now sample a variety of dishes by opting for the Small Plates Menu. Alternatively, they can try the Plat Du Jour set menu or the Lunar Experience Menu. 

While working for several restaurants throughout several restaurants throughout Derbyshire and Yorkshire, Riley has held three AA Rosettes, a Michelin Plate, and a Bib Gourmand. 

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