Police issue warning following rise in scam calls

Scam phone call Staffordshire Scam phone call Staffordshire

Staffordshire Police have warned Staffordshire residents to stay vigilant for scam phone calls from people pretending to be solicitors and bank officials. 

The police have received several reports recently related to phone calls from fake solicitors offering to retrieve lost money. 

These scam phone callers have been noted to claim to represent Staffordshire-based law firms and to offer individuals the opportunity to recuperate lost money for a price. 

Other scammers have reportedly requested individuals to send money to an unknown bank account. 

Based on police recommendations, individuals who think they have received a scam call should hang up immediately. They should then use an alternative phone line to report the number to the police or Action Fraud. 

If an alternative phone line is not available, the individual should wait a short period before calling the police or Action Fraud. The number for Action Fraud is 0300 123 2040.

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