Police arrest masked man after school put in lockdown

Crescent Academy in Meir Crescent Academy in Meir
Crescent Academy in Meir

Staffordshire Police were called to Pinewood Crescent in Meir on Tuesday (18 June) after a man was spotted with a balaclava on and ‘holding a knife’. 

As a safety precaution, the nearby Crescent Academy was put into lockdown. 

After police were alerted to the scene at 3.20pm, the area was searched. 

Police found a screwdriver and later arrested a 46-year-old man on suspicion of possessing a sharp pointed article in a public place. He was then questioned in custody. 

Staffordshire Police have asked for witnesses to come forward. Anyone who witnessed the event, or has relevant dashcam, doorbell, or CCTV footage, should contact the police on 101, quoting incident 396 of 18 June.

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