Plans to build drive-through restaurant and EV charging hub near Stone unveiled

Electric vehicle charging point Electric vehicle charging point

George Developments Limited has submitted plans to Stafford Borough Council to develop an electric vehicle charging station, a drive-through restaurant, and a picnic area on the A34 Stone Road, Meaford. 

The proposed location of this EV driving hub is directly opposite the George and Dragon pub. 

The submitted plans include 31 EV charging points, solar panel canopies, an outside seating and picnic area, and a 438 sq ft drive-through restaurant. 

The plans highlight that this proposal could generate around 50 part-time and full-time jobs. 

It also highlights the current need for charging points along the A34, stating that the current lack of charging points “cannot meet the growing demand for much more efficient charging infrastructure from the growing number of EV users.” 

It also states that “the Hub will function much like a motorway service area, by ensuring that customers can undertake a range of functions in one location. This is especially important to support EV charging, because EV charging takes longer than filling a car with petrol.” 

George Developments Limited have not yet announced who they’d pick to run the restaurant should their plans gain approval.

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