Plans submitted to build nine bungalows on Talke green space

Talke housing plans Talke housing plans

Vacant land near Barrie Gardens could be transformed into nine bungalows, should the recently submitted proposals by Sunshine Building and Construction Ltd. be accepted. 

The plans include eight three-bedroom semi-detached properties and a single four-bedroom detached house. 

Aspire Housing had already submitted plans to build a similar scheme in 2017. While Aspire Housing’s proposal was accepted, the plans were never taken forward. 

The former plans had been edited to leave the eastern side of the plot empty. This was due to fears over mineshafts. The newly submitted proposal also leaves the eastern side vacant. 

Newcastle Borough Council planners will discuss the new proposals and decide by 10 June. 

So far, they have received one objection from a Talke resident. The resident believes that the new houses would add too much traffic and impact the local wildlife.

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