Officer who pushed child and assaulted man dismissed without notice

Staffordshire Police Staffordshire Police

Staffordshire Police have announced the immediate dismissal of a police officer, who has been granted anonymity, who pushed a child and assaulted a man while off duty. 

The incident in question took place in a neighbour’s garden where the officer had been involved in a disagreement. 

The anonymous officer was subject to a three-day misconduct hearing which reached its conclusion on Thursday 6 June. The hearing was chaired by a legally qualified independent person. 

The hearing found that the officer had “breached the standard relating to discreditable conduct”. 

Deputy Police Constable Jon Roy stated: “The actions of the officer that day were unacceptable. The public deserves the highest possible standards from our officers whether they are on or off duty”. 

The anonymous officer has been added to the College of Policing’s Barred List. This will prevent them from working with other law enforcement bodies.

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