Man who killed mum in drug-induced attack jailed for seven years

Finn Henry jailed Finn Henry jailed

Finn Henry (21), of Madeley, Newcastle-under-Lyme, has been sentenced to seven years and four months in prison for manslaughter. 

Henry pleaded guilty to manslaughter on 6 November 2023 at Stafford Crown Court after attacking his mother, Suzanne Henry (54), on 1 May of the same year. 

The court heard that Henry thought his mother was a “demon or a devil” during the six-minute attack, which took place at their home on Newcastle Road. 

Having taken ketamine, Finn is thought to have experienced a drug-induced psychosis. 

On the night of the attack, Staffordshire Police were called to the scene at 9.46pm after neighbours witnessed Finn covered in blood and acting suspiciously. 

One neighbour entered the property and found Suzanne badly injured and suffering from significant trauma. 

Paramedics arrived on the scene promptly. Suzanne’s injuries were so severe that it was difficult for the paramedics to identify her as male or female. She was rushed to hospital but died from her injuries on 3 May. 

Finn was arrested that night but was not deemed medically fit enough for an interview until the next day. He was later charged with murder. 

He denied murder in court but admitted to manslaughter. This was accepted by the prosecution. 

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