Further shop closures at the Potteries Centre

The Potteries Centre The Potteries Centre

The American hat and apparel store Lids has become the latest store to close its shutters at the Potteries Centre in Hanley. 

Although only opened in April 2022, Lids struggled with internal logistics issues which resulted in the shop switching to shorter trading hours in 2023. 

The store has now totally ceased trading, as confirmed in a statement from the Potteries Centre. The shutters have remained closed this week and the Lids signage has been removed. 

 This comes as a major blow for the centre, which has lost a significant number of big-name retailers over the last two years. 

This includes the Candle Shop, Dorothy Perkins, Topman, Topshop, Poundland, Peacocks, and the Body Shop. 

The clothing store USC is also set to close next month. 

A spokesperson for the Potteries Centre stated: “We’re always working hard to refresh our store line-up with new and exciting retailers to give our visitors the best possible shopping experience. We are currently in discussion with a number of retailers who are keen to have a store in our centre. We’ll be in a position to announce new brands soon.”

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