Forest Live kicks off tonight in Cannock Chase

Forest Live festival Forest Live festival

Three nights of live music starts tonight in Birches Valley, Cannock Chase as part of the Forest Live series. 

Tonight (27 June) pop star Anne-Marie will kick things off, with support from Georgia and ADMT. 

Doors open at 5.00pm and the first act, ADMT, will grace the stage at 6.30pm. Anne-Marie will be on between 9.00 and 10.30pm. 

Tickets, which cost £55, can be bought either from Ticketmaster or from Forestry England

An action-packed day is planned for tomorrow (28 June), with a lineup consisting of Jeff Automatic, Gaz Coombes, Johnny Marr, and the Charlatans. 

The event starts at 5.00pm, with the former Smiths guitarist taking the stage at 7.30pm. The headline act is on at 9.15pm. 

On Saturday (29 June), Olly Murs will provide entertainment, with Germein and Daniel Bedingfield filling the support slots. 

For each of the three nights, music fans can upgrade their tickets to the Glade VIP package. This grants them access to a private bar and premium food options. It also provides a better view of the stage. 

Forest Live is a series of festivals taking place throughout England this summer. Gigs in North Yorkshire, Cheshire, Suffolk, Nottinghamshire, and Gloucestershire will also be taking place. 

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