Dangerous driver jailed for causing fatal collision

Miners Way Miners Way
Miners Way, Burntwood

Josh Sandhu (28), of Cannock, was sentenced to 10 months in prison at Stafford Crown Court on Tuesday (25 June) after causing the death of a man in Burntwood in 2022. 

Sandhu had been driving a Volkswagen Polo on Miners Way on 17 May 2022 when he collided with a Volkswagen Golf. 

Sandhu’s car struck the front of the Golf and caused it to spin off the carriageway into a nearside verge. 

Paul Summers (32), the driver of the Golf, was pronounced dead at the scene. The passenger of the Golf, a 20-year-old man, suffered minor injuries. 

The police carried out a thorough investigation of the crash and concluded that Sandhu had been driving dangerously. 

Based on airbag analysis, they found that Sandhu had been accelerating between 45mph and 55mph at the time of the crash. 

Based on the impact marks made on the polo, the police also concluded that Sandhu had been driving on the wrong side of the road. 

Sandhu admitted to causing death by careless driving. 

In addition to his sentence, Sandhu received a 29-month ban from driving. He will also have to take an extended re-test before he is allowed to drive again. 

Detective Constable Jim Addison stated: “Sandhu’s poor driving that day caused the death of a man who was simply making his way to work. Paul’s family and friends have suffered tremendously as a result.”

He continued: “This collision was avoidable if Sandhu had paid attention while he was driving.”

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