Car keys, cash, and jewellery stolen in double Normacot burglary

Upper Normacot Road Upper Normacot Road
Upper Normacot Road

Staffordshire Police have launched an appeal for information regarding a double burglary in Normacot. 

They received a report of the robberies, which both took place on Upper Normacot Road, at 10.30pm last Tuesday (18 June). 

Two properties had been burgled earlier that evening between the hours of 7.00pm and 9.30pm. 

Car keys, cash, and jewellery were stolen. 

CCTV footage captured three men and a vehicle near Upper Normacot Road. 

Staffordshire Police also received a separate report of an attempted burglary on the nearby Belgrave Road at 2.00am on Wednesday (19 June) morning, only a few hours after the original two burglaries were reported. 

Police believe that this later incident is linked to the previous incidents. 

Anyone who can provide information in relation to these incidents should call the police on 101, quoting incident 724 of 18 June. 

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