Monthly record fair coming to Cannock

Cannock Record Fair Cannock Record Fair

Cannock’s Station Hotel will play host to the town’s inaugural record fair on Sunday 16 June. 

Mike Stanier, founder of Golden Lights Record Fairs (named after the Smiths song), hopes to host a record fair at the hotel on the third Sunday of every month following this initial event. 

12 record vendors will set up stalls in the hotel between 10.00am and 3.00pm, giving Staffordshire music fans plenty of time to browse through the selection. 

Stanier, who is a big fan of britpop and indie, has sought to provide variety in his selection of stallholders. Records from a wide range of music genres will be on sale. 

He stated: “The first one I held was in Kidsgrove and that was big success – people came from far and wide and the stall holders were very pleased with the response.”

He continued: “There has definitely been an upward trend in the sales of vinyl and compact discs recently and this is partly in response to that and partly just to get people’s enthusiasm for live music and classic records going again.”

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