Bobby’s Ice Cream Parlour announces new chef, menu, and opening hours

Ice cream parlour Ice cream parlour

Popular North Staffordshire ice cream shop and restaurant, Bobby’s Ice Cream Parlour, has announced some major changes just over a year after opening. 

The venue, which is located between Werrington and Weston Coyney, opened in May 2023 with resounding success. 

Now, the family-run enterprise has announced the addition of a new chef to oversee the introduction of the new menu and opening hours. 

New chef Simon has over 32 years of experience in the industry and has notably worked at The Swan With Two Necks in Blackbrook and The Red House in Caverswall. 

A statement on Facebook read: “Simon brings an abundance of knowledge with him and we hope that you all come and give his creations a try.”

It continued: “Over the coming weeks Simon shall redevelop our menu taking Bobby’s to the next level. For now, we shall keep things the same and allow him the time to settle in and find his feet here with us.”

The ice cream parlour is mostly known for its sweet treats, including various desserts. It also serves several savory options including flat breads and baguettes. 

The parlour’s new opening hours are 10.00am to 5.00pm Sunday to Thursday and 10.00am to 7.00pm Friday and Saturday.

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