Anti-drone protest leads to arrest in Shenstone

UAV Engines factory in Shenstone UAV Engines factory in Shenstone

Staffordshire Police arrested a 50-year-old woman on Monday morning (17 June) during a peaceful protest outside the UAV Engines factory in Shenstone. 

The woman, from Birmingham, was arrested for “using threatening, abusive or insulting words” and behaving in a manner that caused “harassment, alarm or distress”, according to Staffordshire Police. 

She has been released on conditional bail while enquiries continue. 

A protest camp had been set up opposite the factory by Palestine Action. 

The protest group claim that the factory exports products to Israel. They base this claim on the fact that the factory is owned by Elbit Systems, which is Israel-based. 

The factory has denied this claim in the past. However, protests have frequently taken place outside the factory over the years. 

The camp, which police were alerted to at 4.00am on Monday morning, has since been cleared. 

Staffordshire Police stated that they “worked to balance the rights to peaceful protest against the rights of those affected by it.”

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