380 people back campaign to prevent housing development in popular Wolstanton park

Wolstanton Park Wolstanton Park

A recreational green space between Wolstanton’s Hoon Avenue and Milehouse Lane is set to be sold to housing developers. However, 381 Wolstanton residents have signed a petition against this decision. 

Planning committee members already voted to block the Staffordshire City Council’s planning application earlier this year. Two months ago, the council successfully overturned this blocking. 

The planning inspector who ruled in favour of the housing project argued that there are other green spaces in the vicinity that locals can use as an alternative. 

Now, in the hope of turning the field into a 100-home neighbourhood, the council are set to advertise the land for sale. 

The green space, which is known locally as Baldies Field or Balls, is a popular dog-walking spot. It is also used for fitness and other recreational purposes. 

The online petition against the housing development argues that the park is “vital to the local community”. 

Not only is it important for recreation, but the park is also home to water voles, as well as “other wildlife, including bats, hedgehogs, foxes, and owls”.

Additionally, it is claimed that the park is of historical significance and that there is a “Roman path” beneath it. 

Should the housing project go ahead, the parkland will be split into two sets of houses, one with 20 homes and another with 80. A tree-lined path will connect the two sections, which will retain some of the green space. 

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