112 social homes to be made more energy efficient in Cannock

Cannock Chase Council Cannock Chase Council

£1.6 million renovation work will see 112 social homes in Southbourne Place, Springfield Avenue, and Rawnsley Estate made more energy efficient. 

On Wednesday 19 June, Cannock Chase Council announced that they would be allocating £818,000 towards its low carbon program. This amount matches the grant the council received from the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA) in February last year. 

A total of £1.6 million will now be spent on installing solar panels, wall installation, and attic installation in over 100 homes. 

“We are delighted that our cabinet has agreed to double the grant funding we have received from the WMCA,” stated the head of housing and corporate assets at Cannock Chase Council, Nirmal Samrai. 

“Each building receives an individual approach and primarily receives improvements such as solar panels, attic insulation and cavity wall insulation. This project will also help with our carbon neutral agenda.”

The WMCA are set to carry out individual property assessments. It will then start work on the properties with the lowest energy efficiency first. 

It is hoped that inventory surveys will be completed by the end of the year. 

Residents will be consulted so that a construction plan can be put in place that best suits everyone.

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