Young girl hit by motorbike near Central Forest Park

Central Forest Park, Stoke-on-Trent Central Forest Park, Stoke-on-Trent

A young girl was taken to Royal Stoke University Hospital last night (2 June) after she was hit by a motorbike outside Central Forest Park in Stoke-on-Trent. 

Emergency services were contacted at 7.13pm. The young girl’s injuries were “not believed to be serious”, according to a West Midlands Ambulance Service spokesperson. 

They also stated that: “We were called to reports of a collision between a motorbike and a pedestrian. One ambulance and a paramedic officer attended the scene. On arrival we discovered one patient, the pedestrian, who was a young girl.”

Residents stated that there was a heavy police presence within the vicinity of the park last night. 

Anyone with information related to the incident should contact the police on 101.

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