Wombourne Recycling Centre closes for second time in three months

Wombourne Recycling Centre Wombourne Recycling Centre

Having only partially reopened last month, Staffordshire County Council announced today (6 June) on Facebook that Wombourne HWRC would once again close with immediate effect. 

The reopened side of the site has been deemed as being no longer “safe for the public to use” due to subsidence. 

The statement continued: ”…in recent days have noticed movement on the surface. During the closure, the team will be carrying out more testing on the ground to ensure it is safe again before opening.”

No reopening date has been announced. However, the council has announced that South Staffordshire residents can use the Dudley HWRC in Stourbridge or the Bilbrook Recycling Centre on a similar basis to the last closure. 

Staffordshire City Council’s David Atkinson has also recommended South Staffordshire residents to take advantage of community ‘bring banks’. 

Wombourne HWRC had previously closed in March due to safety concerns. 

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