Upcoming Stafford roundabout roadworks will take 14 weeks

Stafford roundabout closure Stafford roundabout closure

The A34 Gaol Square roundabout in Stafford will undergo over three months’ worth of road works starting on 3 June. 

This busy town centre roundabout requires resurfacing and repairs. To carry out this work, lane closures and temporary traffic lights will be implemented. Some short-term road closures will also take place. 

The council have chosen to carry out the work in the summer as the roads will be quieter due to the school holidays. 

Additionally, government funding can only be spent at specific times, meaning the roadworks need to take place as soon as possible. 

These roadworks come from the £9 million levelling up fund set aside to improve Stafford’s roads. 

In addition to the rounds, pedestrian routes and cycling lanes will also be upgraded. 

The work on Gaol Square coincides with other road closures taking place throughout the town. 

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