Tamworth crack cocaine dealer jailed for three years

Tamworth crack cocaine dealer jailed
Tamworth dealer jailed Tamworth dealer jailed

Benjamin Francis (33), of Tamworth, was sentenced on Thursday 23 May to two years and four months for possession and intent to supply crack cocaine and heroin. He pleaded guilty to both counts. 

Francis was also sentenced to an additional 12 months for breach of a suspended sentence. This takes his total prison time up to three years and four months. His sentencing took place at Stafford Crown Court. 

Francis was arrested in Dosthill on 8 March this year. During this stop and search, police recovered 47 wraps of crack cocaine, 33 wraps of heroin, and a small amount of cash. A mobile phone was also seized.

Francis’ home was later searched and an additional mobile phone was found. 

“I’m pleased we’ve been able to jail another dealer who was intent on distributing harmful drugs within our communities.” stated Detective Sergeant Jonathan Bradbury. 

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