Stoke-on-Trent billionaire who gave £500k to Conservatives switches to Labour

John Caudwell John Caudwell

Ahead of the UK General Election on 4 July, a billionaire who grew up in Stoke-on-Trent is urging people to vote for Labour, despite previously being a Conservative donor. 

John Caudwell, the founder of Phones 4u, has announced he will be voting Labour for the first time next month, after describing Rishi Sunak as a “dud”. 

This comes after the billionaire donated £500,000 to Boris Johnson’s party during the last General Election. 

When describing his reason for switching allegiances, he stated that Keir Starmer’s party “just really hits the spot with a lot of issues with me”.

The entrepreneur, who is worth £1.58 billion, also praised Reform UK but doesn’t agree with Nigel Farage’s policies on climate change. 

He stated: “The Labour Party in my estimation, as much as I disagree with some of the policies, are absolutely the very best for Britain going forward.”

Caudwell has not yet donated any money towards Labour, however, he stated that it would be “quite possible” for him to do so in the future. 

In response, Starmer stated: “I’m delighted that John, someone with such a successful track-record in business, has today thrown his support behind the changed Labour Party that I lead.”

Caudwell, who was born in Birmingham, had a difficult childhood growing up on council estates in Bentilee and Shelton. He started Midlands Mobile Phones in 1984 and later the high street retail shop Phones 4u. The 4u Group was based in Newcastle-under-Lyme.

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