Stoke-on-Trent Archives moves to Potteries Museum

Stoke-on-Trent archives moves Stoke-on-Trent archives moves

The Stoke-on-Trent City Archives have officially moved from the City Central Library to the Potteries Museum and Art Gallery. 

From today (22 May), visitors to the Potteries Museum can access the city’s local history archive. 

30,000 audio tapes, 30,000 books, 2,500 outsize packages, 8,000 archive boxes, and 137 Minton Design folios have been moved. 

This address change cost the Stoke-on-Trent City Archives £1.7 million. This paid for the move itself as well as arranging the new facilities. Temperature and light control need to be implemented to ensure effective preservation. 

A new counter and reading room were built for visitors to comfortably examine the materials. 

Council leader Jane Ashworth stated: “Moving the City’s Archives to the museum now means people can access the local history archive and museum collections all under one roof”. 

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