Staffordshire Police removed from enhanced monitoring following significant improvements

Staffordshire Police Staffordshire Police

It was announced on Tuesday (21 May) that Staffordshire Police has been taken out of a monitoring program – known as ‘Engage’ – that was implemented due to the force’s shortcomings. 

This monitoring program, which had been ongoing for two years, was carried out by His Majesty’s Inspectorate of Constabulary, Fire & Rescue Services (HMICFRS). 

Problems with the force had been identified in relation to response times, investigation standards, and the handling of vulnerable residents.

Staffordshire Police were told that they must “urgently improve” their services in June 2022. 

Now, HMICRFS have decided to end the monitoring program. 

A statement from Staffordshire Police highlighted key areas where improvements have been made – “how it identifies vulnerable people at the first point of contact” and “the standards of investigation and the service it provides to victims of crime”. 

The statement also highlighted that the force had significantly reduced the time it takes them to answer 999 calls. In 2022, it took the force 25 seconds and now it takes less than 10 seconds. 

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