Staffordshire Brewery to reopen popular Lichfield pub

The former Pig pub The former Pig pub

A popular Lichfield town centre pub has been bought by the local business Titanic Brewery. 

The Pig, located on Tamworth Street, closed with immediate effect last October after previous owners, Real Brewing Pub Company, went into administration. 

Now, Titanic Brewery has announced that they’ll reopen the pub in August. They’ve also announced the new name for the pub: the Beacon. 

This new title is a nod to the nearby Beacon Park. This park has a state of RMS Titanic captain John Smith in it – which links back to the brewery’s name. 

Titanic Brewery operates several locations throughout Staffordshire, including the Bod cafe-bars in Stafford and Stoke and the Bulls Head in Burslem. 

The new Beacon bar will serve some of the brewery’s best-loved beers, including Steerage pale ale. The bar will also showcase a rotating cast of guest beers, ales, porters, and ciders. 

Not only will it serve beer and locally sourced meals, but the Beacon will also serve as a live music venue. 

Titanic Brewery’s Director Dave Bott stated: “We are privileged to have the opportunity to reopen the doors of this pub and welcome back local residents and visiting drinkers alike.”

He also stated: “A Titanic pub is a place where people can come together to enjoy great times with great beer, and we are certain that The Beacon will be no different.”

With a total of 12 roles to fill, Titanic Brewery is currently looking for staff to work at the Beacon. Those interested should send their CV to

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