Stafford officially a ‘Bee-Friendly’ town

Stafford Bee Friendly status Stafford Bee Friendly status

Stafford Borough Council announced yesterday (23 May) that the town had been given “Bee Friendly” status by the Bee Friendly Trust. 

Over the last few months, Stafford volunteers have launched several bee-friendly initiatives. 

These initiatives have been designed to create a healthier environment for bees and other pollinating insects, such as wasps, hoverflies, and butterflies. 

One initiative saw pupils of John Wheeldon Primary Academy creating nests for solitary bees around their playground. 

Stafford Borough Council also created a pollinator-friendly meadow at Eccleshall Road cemetery, added heather and other plants to Barlaston Common Local Nature Reserves (LNRs), and enhancing the Ferndown LNRs. 

The council have also encouraged residents to grow more wildflowers and plants on their private lands. Community workshops are also being organised, which residents can attend and learn about flora and pollination from local experts. 

Information regarding upcoming bee-friendly workshops can be found on the Stafford Borough Council website. 

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