Stafford Council will now fly Progress Pride flag

Progress Pride flag Progress Pride flag

Stafford Borough Council have agreed to fly the Progress Pride flag outside its headquarters after previously rejecting the idea. 

The inaugural Pride festival will take place in Stafford on 10 August. The event organisers suggested that the Progress Pride flag should be flown outside the civic centre for the event. 

The local authority had initially turned down the idea. However, after meeting with event organisers, the council will now fly the flag. 

A spokesperson for the local authority stated: “We met with the organisers who were grateful for all the support they are receiving from the borough council to help make their event a success and agreed that it could be flown alongside the traditional flag flying from the civic centre for the Pride event.”

The Stafford Pride team said on Facebook: “Our calling to do this was never done out of denial for the support given by the council so far, it was simply about our community and showing support.”

They also said: “We are incredibly proud to say that the flag chosen to be flown will be the Progress Flag and will fly with the Stafford Borough Council flag to show their support.”

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