Man’s body found in Stafford park

Forensic tent erected after man's body found Forensic tent erected after man's body found
Police erected a forensic tent at the scene

A man’s body was recovered from the River Sow in Victoria Park yesterday morning (24 June). 

The man, whose death is currently being treated as “unexplained”, was pronounced dead at the scene. The body was found near a children’s play park. 

Staffordshire Police, West Midlands Ambulance Service, and Staffordshire Fire & Rescue Service were all called to the scene at 9.35am. 

Police erected a forensic tent at the site to carry out further investigations. 

A spokesperson for the police stated: “We’ve cordoned off the area whilst we work to establish the circumstances leading up to his death. We’re currently treating the death as unexplained and no suspicious circumstances have been found at this stage.”

Witnesses are being asked to contact Staffordshire Police on 101, quoting incident 198 of 24 June. 

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