Longport teapot factory revamp delayed following vandal attack

Longport Teapot Factory Longport Teapot Factory

The Price and Kensington Teaport Works in Longport was targeted by vandals last weekend. Owner Wayne Walker discovered on Monday (27 May) that more than 40 windows had been smashed.

The Grade II*-listed building was recently purchased by Walker – who also owns Wayne Walker Quality Meats – with plans to transform the site into a shopping village

Walker had already fitted new windows onto the factory to “dry the building out” so that renovation work could begin. 

Since the act of vandalism was discovered, Walker has had to pay £2,000 to get each of the windows replaced. Renovation work has also been pushed back by a couple of days. 

CCTV footage revealed a group of young people climbing over a wall and entering the site. It is believed that this group were responsible for smashing the windows. 

Since the attack, Staffordshire Police have begun regularly patrolling the area to ensure it doesn’t happen again. 

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