London crowned the most Instagram-worthy European capital city

A new study has revealed the most Instagrammable capital cities in Europe, with London, the UK’s capital, being crowned the most picturesque.   

The study by no deposit bonus code experts analyzed Instagram hashtag data for every capital city in Europe, using four identical hashtag structures for each capital city to reveal the most posted capital city in the Europe.  

London is officially the most hashtagged capital city in Europe, according to the study. The tourist hotspot has plenty of beautiful sites to capture, from Buckingham Palace to the Natural History Museum, and there are currently nearly 178 million posts on Instagram that celebrate the capital city. Specifically, tourists who visit London have posted photos of Buckingham Palace 1.6 million times and the London Eye 3.5 million times on Instagram.   

The second most picturesque capital city is Paris. The city has nearly 150 million Instagram posts celebrating Parisian culture, with over 7.8 million posts in particular on the Eiffel Tower alone. Whilst the Arc De Triomphe has been posted on the social media site 1.3 million times. 

Berlin is the third most Instagrammable capital city in Europe, which has been posted on Instagram by tourists and residents alike over 56 million times. Those visiting Berlin are often drawn towards the Reichstag, posted on Instagram 343,000 times and the Brandenburg Gate posted by tourist and residents over 195,000 times.  

With incredible tourist attractions such as the Royal Palace and El Retiro Park the fourth most picturesque city is Madrid. Astonished tourists and residents who love the city have posted Madrid on Instagram a combined 51 million times. The Royal Palace in Madrid has been posted on Instagram 37,000 times, whilst the El Retiro Park has been posted 17,000 times.  

Amsterdam is the fifth most Instagram-worthy capital city in Europe. The study revealed that the capital city in the Netherlands has been posted on Instagram 39 million times. Many who visit Amsterdam enjoy not just the tulips but the Van Gogh Museum as well. Art lovers have posted the Van Gogh Museum over 339,000 times on Instagram.   

The top ten most Instagrammable capital cities in the world   

Rank  Capital City    Country    Total Number of Hashtags  
1  London  England  177,934,999  
2  Paris  France  149,598,324  
3  Berlin  Germany  56,503,188 
4  Madrid  Spain 51,858,681 
5  Amsterdam  Netherlands 39,088,989 
6  Rome  Italy 31,088,989 
7  Prague  Czech Republic 19,695,212 
8  Vienna  Austria 17,840,212 
9  Budapest Hungary 17,178,494 
10  Dublin Ireland 16,178,494 

Rome is the sixth most Instagrammable capital city in Europe, and it has been posted on Instagram by tourists and residents alike over 31 million times.   

The seventh most picturesque city is Prague. Astonished tourists and residents who love the city have posted Prague on Instagram a combined 19 million times.   

Vienna is the eighth most Instagram-worthy capital city. Vienna has been tagged nearly 18 million times on Instagram.   

The ninth most Instagrammable city is Budapest in Hungary. This picturesque paradise has been posted over 17 million times. 

Dublin in Ireland is the tenth most Instagrammble capital city. The beautiful city has been captured by tourists and residents 16 million times.   

Olivia King, spokesperson for commented on the findings:  

“Across the world, there are many popular tourist hotspots that take the form of capital cities, with this new study placing London and Paris at the top. For those interested in visiting beautiful cities this summer and undecided which ones to travel to first, this list can serve as a checklist to visit the ones deemed the most picturesque. 

London stands out the most Instagrammable city in Europe, this is because it holds not just iconic tourist attracts such as the London eye, but also many tourists are drawn in by the incredible pull of the Royal family and Buckingham Palace”.

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