Leek’s ScooterFest draws in thousands

Leek ScooterFest Leek ScooterFest

Yesterday (19 May), the 18th edition of the Staffordshire Moorland’s ScooterFest attracted thousands to Leek. 

The day festival, which takes place every May, is a celebration of scooter and mod culture and features a sprawling display of motorbikes. It’s a free event which raises money through raffles. 

ScooterFest has increased in size over the last 18 years and has become one of the most popular scooter events in the UK. 

Yesterday’s event was attended by local scooter enthusiasts as well as scooterists from elsewhere in the UK and abroad. 

The event is organised by the Jesters Scooter Club, which was formed in 2002. 

The chair of Jesters Scooter Club Steph Knott stated: “For us, it’s a scooterists’ event, for scooterists – it’s a bonus that everyone else mucks in… All the town come out and supports us, and we couldn’t ask for more.”

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