Financial services ranks eighth for fastest career burnout

New data has revealed the top 10 industries with the shortest average of median tenure in the job role.  

The research conducted by career experts at analyzed the average median tenure on LinkedIn to find out which industries are facing the most burnout in their careers. In total, over 4,000 companies in over 400 sub-industries were included in the analysis.  

Top 10 industries most likely to lead to burnout: 

Education topped the list of industries experiencing the most burnout, with an average median of 2.88 years. Education includes instruction or training in a broad range of subjects in schools, colleges, universities and training centres. E-Learning providers face one of the most burn-out subcategories in Education with an average median tenure of 2.01 years. San Franscisco-based E-learning provider Udemy had one of the highest median tenures at 2.8 years 

Following closely behind in second place for industries most likely to face burnout is Technology, Information and Media, with a median tenure of 3.41 years. This is 43% quicker burnout than the average median change of job roles of all industries at 4.86 years. Careers in this industry include software and data analytics, broadcasting and telecommunications. Both global technology companies, Amazon and Meta, have the same average median tenure of 2.8 years.  

In joint third place are Real Estate and Equipment Rental Services and Administrative and Support Services, with an average median tenure of 3.91 years. This equates to roles such as translation and localization having the same burnout rate as real estate agents. Atlanta’s oldest and largest residential real estate firm, Harry Normans, has one of the longest average median tenures in the sub-category of real estate, with 13.1 years.  

In fourth place is Retail, with an average median tenure of 4.06 years. Retail includes sales in clothing, supermarkets, luxury goods, and florists. Subcategories of Luxury Goods and Jewellery and Food and Beverage retail have the lowest median tenures, on average, with 2.59 years and 3.10 years, respectively.  

Accommodation Services followed closely behind in fifth place with an average median tenure of 4.36 years.  Roles within the Accommodation Services industry include bartenders, waiters, caterers and mobile food services such as food trucks. Working in the subindustry of Bars, Taverns, and Nightclubs had the fifth shortest average median tenure of 1.5 years out of all the subcategories in the study.   

In sixth place is Construction, with an average median tenure of 4.71 years. The industry can produce roles such as civil engineer, builder or site inspector.  

Entertainment Providers is in seventh place, with an average median tenure of 4.79 years. The Entertainment Provider industry includes roles that produce, promote or participate in live events, exhibit objects or sites and recreational activities for the public. Roles can range from working in museums, performing arts, spectators’ sports, circuses, casinos and zoos.  

Just after that in eighth place is Financial Services, with an average median tenure of 4.83. Roles can range from banking, investing, and insurance.  

In ninth place is Professional Services, with a median tenure of 5.31 years. The Professional Services industry includes the likes of staffing and recruiting, project management and legal services.  

Finally, rounding off the list in tenth is Hospitals and Health Care, with a median tenure of 5.33 years. The roles within the industry can range from ambulance services to dentists and mental health care.  

The top five industries with the least burnout include: 

  • Government Administration with an average median tenure of 7.36 years  
  • Utilities with an average median tenure of 6.90 years 
  • Oil, Gas & Mining with an average median tenure of 6.35 years 
  • Manufacturing with an average median tenure of 5.83 
  • Transportation, Logistics, Supply Chain and Storage with an average median tenure of 5.82 
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