Code of Conduct

StaffsLive Code of Conduct

Effective Date: December 2023

1. Introduction

Welcome to StaffsLive (, a premier source for news and information about Staffordshire. This Code of Conduct provides guidelines for all users and staff of StaffsLive, which is owned and operated by Rooftree Publishing Ltd, to ensure a respectful, safe, and engaging environment.

2. Community Standards

  • Respect and Courtesy: All interactions on the site should be conducted with respect and courtesy. We value diverse opinions but do not tolerate harassment, bullying, or hate speech.
  • Integrity and Honesty: We uphold the highest standards of integrity and honesty in all our content and interactions.
  • Accountability: Users and staff are responsible for their actions and content they share on StaffsLive.

3. User Conduct

  • Appropriate Content: Users must ensure that their contributions are appropriate, relevant, and respectful.
  • No Illegal Activities: Users must not engage in illegal activities or share content that encourages such activities.
  • Privacy and Confidentiality: Respect the privacy of others and do not share confidential or personal information without consent.

4. Staff Conduct

  • Editorial Integrity: Our staff is committed to unbiased and accurate reporting, maintaining editorial independence at all times.
  • Conflict of Interest: Staff members must avoid any conflicts of interest and maintain transparency with our audience.
  • Professionalism: All staff members are expected to conduct themselves professionally and in alignment with the values of StaffsLive.

5. Enforcement

  • Moderation: StaffsLive reserves the right to moderate, edit, or remove any content that violates this Code of Conduct.
  • Reporting Mechanism: Users can report violations of the Code of Conduct to our team at [Insert Contact Information].
  • Consequences: Violations of this Code of Conduct may result in temporary suspension or permanent ban from StaffsLive.

6. Amendments

We may amend this Code of Conduct at any time and encourage our users to review it periodically.

7. Contact Us

For any questions or concerns regarding this Code of Conduct, please contact us at