Campaign launched to help Burton-upon-Trent bookshop following ceiling collapse

Books and Banter Stafford Books and Banter Stafford

The owners of Books and Banter, located on Station Street, are appealing for donations after ceiling collapses and power cuts have forced them to close for the foreseeable future. 

While the building is being repaired, Books and Banter plan to use the money raised to pay for a temporary venue. 

So far, the children’s bookshop has raised £2,415 of its £10,000 target. 

In a Facebook post, the owners of the store stated: “We don’t want to lose our beautiful community, but we don’t know what else to do… we hope and pray that this is not the end of the adventure for us together”. 

The shop, which has been open for nearly three years, sells books, comics, and games. It also hosts live music and gaming events.Donations can be made on the shop’s JustGiving page.

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